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Miami, Florida. 33173

Connection Between an Elevated PSA and Prostate Cancer?

Miami urologist

A man’s PSA level may vary depending on many factors such as age, race and family history of prostate disease. However, according to Miami urologist Dr. George Suarez, an elevated PSA doesn’t always mean Prostate Cancer and that’s why it’s critical for every patient to receive a personalized approach.

Dr. Suarez advises his patients to come in for a baseline PSA blood test beginning at the age of 40. A normal PSA level is typically between 0 and 4 ng/mL. Results above this level are considered to be abnormal or elevated. If a patient’s PSA level is elevated, new genetic tests can help further diagnose the issue around the prostate and determine if a biopsy is required.

The PSA test is not a prostate cancer test, but it is an important first step in identifying the possible presence of the disease. In your Miami urologist’s experience, an elevated PSA is how many of his patients were diagnosed, combined with knowledge of their risk factors, such as family history. In many cases, that test has saved lives.

A high PSA is not a diagnosis for cancer, nor does it always require a biopsy. It can be an indication of other conditions such as Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH), Prostatitis (enlarged prostate) or a urinary tract infection.

Your Miami urologist’s key approach is to measure the trend and velocity of the PSA over a period of time. PSA mapping is the best way to determine if elevated levels are a cause for concern. While changes of more than 2.0 ng/mL over the course of a year could indicate the presence of prostate cancer, an elevated PSA must be compared to specific prostate cancer risk factors such as age, family history and lifestyle habits.

If an elevated PSA is initially treated with antibiotics, and levels still remains high, an MRI of the prostate may be required. If further results lead to suspicion in the area surrounding the prostate, an MRI Fusion-Guided Biopsy is the next step in determining if an elevated PSA is a sign of prostate cancer.

If you are over the age of 40 and have not had your PSA levels checked – don’t hesitate – call the office of best Miami urologist Dr. George Suarez today to schedule a confidential consultation. This test saves lives!